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Sustainable materials for interior design

© J. Tegnerud (Flickr) Yosemite
© J. Tegnerud (Flickr)

It is ideal to skip the synthetic fabrics when putting together a sustainable interior. Look for upholstery and drapery fabrics woven from organic cotton, wool, or hemp. These natural fibres perform beautifully, and are easy to clean as long as you follow care directions.

If, however, you prefer synthetic fibre fabric, look for polyester or ramie fabric woven with no hazardous chemicals, either from recycled material, or specially designed to be recycled.

For wooden items, such as furniture frames, tables, and flooring, think bamboo.

Bamboo is considered to be a sustainable material because it grows quickly. To be truly environmentally-friendly, make sure the bamboo you purchase is raised without pesticides, herbicides, or irrigation other than natural rainfall. According to Green Earth Bamboo, bamboo is produced without the use of fossil-fuel using tractors or environmentally invasive chemicals.

While decorating with sustainable materials is a popular trend, there is another reason to give it a try. Sustainable materials, such as bamboo and organic cotton are both durable and beautiful. The quality of these natural materials means you will get a good value for your money. The beauty of the materials means you will be more likely to enjoy the years you spend with them.

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