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Articles by Newshub.co.uk Unit

Feeling Tired All The Time? Here Are Some Natural Remedies

23 February, 2020
There are several natural remedies that can give more energy, both physical and mental. Among them are the foods we bring to the table. Nutritious, low in fat and calories, they stimulate the metabolism, improve the mood and recharge the…

Even Plants Have a Nervous System To Communicate Stress

23 February, 2020
A minor cabbage larva bites and swallows a piece of leaf. Immediately afterwards, a wave of light propagates in what remains of the plant, as if to signal the attack in progress. This is the alarm system that plants use…

3 Smart Inventions That Come From the Great Depression

22 February, 2020
Necessity is the mother of inventions. This is also what happened during the Great Depression. It was one of the worst financial crises in modern history, after the collapse of Wall Street in 1929. At that time there were the…

Turn Old Jeans into Something New with These Ideas

22 February, 2020
Reducing our ecological footprint also involves reducing waste and recycling. For example, if you’re renovating your wardrobe, don’t throw away the clothes you no longer use. Old jeans in particular are perfect for recycling. Jeans are very durable and versatile, so…

Termites Built Their Own Underground City Over the Centuries

22 February, 2020
One of the largest and most complex megalopolises on Earth is almost unknown. And it wasn’t built by man, but by termites. We are in Brazil, particularly in the forest of Caatinga. Here scientists have used satellite images to calculate…

How Some Remote Populations Have Incredible Superpowers

21 February, 2020
Some people have abilities that resemble the superpowers of comic book or science fiction movie characters. Instead, they are widespread in remote populations, as a result of adaptation and the secular work of some geniuses. Moreover, by studying these secret…

Savings Tips That Do Not Actually Save You Money

21 February, 2020
One of the most common objections to an environmentally sustainable lifestyle is that it is too expensive. In reality, reducing environmental impact and saving often goes hand in hand. However, people often engage in behavior that they believe they are…

5 Reasons Why Contact with Nature Make Us Feel Good

20 February, 2020
Most of us spend most of our day indoors, like the workplace. Often without even doing much physical exercise. This condition can, in the long run, lead to more or less important health problems. But it only takes a few…

There Is a Vast Unexplored Cave Down in Canada

19 February, 2020
In Canada there is a huge unexplored cave. The dream of every speleologist has emerged from the snows of British Columbia. The entrance alone is about 330 feet wide. It seems that no one has ever entered the cave –…

Four Border Wars Around the World That Nobody Talks About

19 February, 2020
We call them border wars. They are the conflicts between nations, large and small, that take place close to an unshared border. Fortunately, not all border wars result in armed conflict, as they did at the time of the Falkland…

Watch What You Eat: 5 Ingredients Harmful to Your Health

18 February, 2020
We should always consume fresh, home-cooked food. However, we often prefer packaged products for convenience or for a short time. Industrial food labels, however, often have a long list of ingredients, most of which are incomprehensible to non-experts. What we know, however,…

How Climate Change Affects Rainfall Today in Our Hemisphere

17 February, 2020
How is climate change affecting rainfall today? Researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) have tried to answer this question. To do so, they have developed an innovative approach, based on precipitation weather data from the last century…

The Consequences of Gender Selection in the World

16 February, 2020
Although we are in the 21st century, gender selection is still a major problem. Gender-selective abortions performed in recent decades have caused an unexpected distortion in the ratio of males to females. Statistically, every 100 newborn babies are born 103-107…

Green Technology: 5 Hi-Tech Gadgets That Respect the Environment

16 February, 2020
Considering the amount of electronic waste we produce, we need to implement green technology. The hi-tech field needs to renew itself and find greener solutions. Someone actually has already tried to combine technology and respect for the environment. As a…

How Insect Extinction Is Also Due to Light Pollution

16 February, 2020
Every year in the world, the total mass of insects decreases by 2.5%. And this has been happening for some years now. At this rate, insects could disappear completely within a century. The situation is so serious that the conservationists…

7 Units of Measures That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

15 February, 2020
When in Rome, take your units of measures. It is already difficult to convert from feet to meters or from pounds to kilograms, which is essential to move in European countries. Things get even more hard if we think that…

Best Household Plants to Grow to Purify the Air at Home

15 February, 2020
Most people would never say that, yet the substances most dangerous to health are inside our homes. How can we avoid contact with indoor sources of pollution? As well as being careful when buying furniture, preferring eco-friendly detergents and natural…

Valentine Day Origin: Why Do We Celebrate It Today?

14 February, 2020
The pagan origins of Valentine’s Day, the feast of lovers, were wild and uninhibited. The highlight of the feast was when the matrons let themselves be whipped by a group of naked young men. Then came a pope who christianized…