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Articles by Newshub.co.uk Unit

5 Ancient Civilizations That Have Mysteriously Disappeared

3 February, 2020
Annihilated by hunger, conquered by enemies, wiped out by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Much more often, in reality, they have vanished without a clue. We are talking about some great ancient civilizations, which we know existed but we do not…

Do Not Throw Corks Away – Recycle Them Creatively

3 February, 2020
Cork is a natural and biodegradable material, which is suitable for many uses, so it is a shame to throw it away. In fact, a little glue and a few corks are enough to create beautiful and useful objects for…

Water Shortage: Why Are We Running Out of ‘Blue Gold’?

2 February, 2020
Our planet is experiencing an unprecedented water shortage. There are many reasons for this, but they all have to do with man – and climate change. First of all, world population is growing and this leads to an increase of…

5 Reasons Why Readings Books Makes Us Better People

2 February, 2020
We have known since we were children that readings books is important. It teaches us to write well, opens our minds, enriches our culture. But there is much more than that. In fact, it also allows us to develop empathy and…

Aboriginal People Are the Oldest People on Earth, Scientists Say

31 January, 2020
They inhabited Australia continuously for 40,000 years. According to a new study, the Aboriginal people are the oldest unbroken civilization on Earth. The study, in fact, shows evidence of a single colonization event in Australia, and a continuity of occupation…

3 Matriarchal Societies in the World Where Women Are in Charge

30 January, 2020
There are over one hundred matriarchal societies in the world, the most important of which are in Indonesia (Minangkabau), Mexico (Juchitàn) and China (Moos). Their pacifist structure is of great teaching to Westerners, because it teaches us how to organize…

In This Garbage Cafe in India You Can Get Food for Garbage

30 January, 2020
Eating a big meal for a pound of plastic. This is possible in India, where the first ‘Garbage Cafe’ has opened. Here people can receive free food in exchange for garbage. This initiative is part of a wider door-to-door waste…

Mankai or Water Lentil – The New Superfood That Could Replace Meat

28 January, 2020
Consumption of animal-based food raises several issues, such as the environmental impact of intensive farming. This is why we need vegetarian substitues to meat, just like mankai. Native to Southeast Asia, it is a protein-rich plant that also contains amino acids,…

What Is Citric Acid and How You Can Use It at Home

26 January, 2020
Citric acid is as useful as it is little known. For example, have you ever tried to use it to degrease and clean bathroom fixtures or kitchen utensils? This compound, found in all citrus fruits, is an excellent natural cleaning…

This Indian Lake Is So Polluted, It Keeps Catching Fire

24 January, 2020
There is an Indian lake that is always burning making life difficult for locals. It is Lake Bellandur in Bangalore and once again, the only one responsible for this phenomenon is man. The fires, in fact, would be the result…