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Articles by Newshub.co.uk Unit

3 Unique Moments That Have Marked the History of Music

31 December, 2019
There are events that are milestones in our history. And this applies to many fields, including the history of music. Here in fact the marriage with pop culture has allowed exoduses and mass events that have marked the path of…

Everything You Need to Know About Essential Oils

31 December, 2019
Every time you smell the petal of a flower, walk through a pine forest, peel a citrus fruit, touch the leaf of a medicinal herb or use a spice, you smell a scent. These are the essential oils inside the…

Violence Against Muslim Minority in Sri Lanka Is on the Rise

30 December, 2019
After the Easter terrorist massacres in April 2019, which killed over 250 innocent people in Sri Lanka, silence has returned on the Asian country. The violence, however, has not stopped. This time it is the Muslim minority that is under…

Igbo in Biafra Still Dream of Independence from Nigeria

29 December, 2019
There are many requests for international protection made by migrants who are activists of the Nigerian separatist movement Igbo. They come from the south-eastern part of Nigeria and, in many cases, suffer discrimination and persecution by the federal government. Their…

Doing Laundry without Polluting Is Possible with These Tips

28 December, 2019
Doing laundry while respecting the environment is possible. There are in fact many tricks to save energy, water, detergent and plastic when using the washing machine. Let's discover them together. Laundry Tips: Choose Your Detergent Wisely To make an ecological…

Digital Welfare: Can Technology Threaten Human Rights?

28 December, 2019
The technology and its application for building a digital welfare state has often been presented as a neutral tool. Its aim would be to improve access to social benefits, standardise access criteria, speed up practices and ensure efficiency for governments.…

Great Barrier Reef in Australia Is Now an Underwater Museum

27 December, 2019
An open-air museum to safeguard the immense treasure of the Great Barrier Reef. And to make everyone aware of the importance of protecting flora and fauna that represent a unique treasure for the whole world. Australia, however, is not the…

Child Labour: Zanzibar Is the Island of Slave Children

26 December, 2019
130,000 Tanzanian children live as slaves in the homes of the rich in Zanzibar. It's one of the most serious plagues and at the same time one of the most understated problems in Tanzania. In short, this involves child labour and…

How to Avoid Food Waste on Christmas and New Year’s Eve

24 December, 2019
Food waste is directly linked to global warming. The way our food is produced is responsible for 21% of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. For this reason, throwing away something without eating it is a double loss. On one…

The Best Festivals in the World That Celebrate Animals

24 December, 2019
Throughout the year, fortunately, there are many festivals that allow us to relax and celebrate welcome events. Well, if you didn't know, pets also have their own holidays. In fact, there are a lot of events and holidays for dogs…

Simple Tips to Pollute Less at the Restaurant or Bar

23 December, 2019
Would you buy something overpriced to use a few minutes or seconds? Most likely not. But if the planet pays the bill - we don't really care about that. Think, for example, of all the plastic crockery and bottles we…

How Do People Celebrate Christmas Around the World?

22 December, 2019
Christmas is approaching and people are already planning every little detail to spend a pleasant day. December 25th is a special, magical day - but have you ever wondered how do people celebrate Christmas around the world? For instance, will…