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Motorcycle Speeder who recorded Cop pulling his Gun Charged with Felony

You may remember this video from last month, of this speeding biker getting a gun pulled on him by a State trooper who got out of an unmarked car.
There’s been an update on this story that will leave you reeling.

The biker in the video was cited for speeding and negligent driving and paid up his fines, but he is now facing a felony charge and up to five years in prison because he recorded with his helmet mounted video camera not only his traffic violations, but also the cop who stopped him and the state of Maryland, where he resides has a law against recording someone without his consent.

A month after the incident, cops found the video posted on YouTube and showed up to his home with a warrant for for reckless driving and he was also charged with one count of felony wiretapping for recording the plain clothes cop’s voice without the cop’s consent and they also confiscated his camera and computers.
We wonder if the State Attorney hasn’t more serious crimes and criminals to pursue.

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