While exploring Autocar I came across Matt Saunders’ blog post about how learning drivers should take the example of learning riders and complete a Compulsory Basic Training day, just like motorcyclists have to do when learning to ride.
The day would include some basic safety guidelines and road driving trips such as good observation, good anticipation and preparation.
It’s an interesting proposal for drivers who often focus on dangerous riders as proof that all motorcycles should be off the roads.
But given that riding a motorcycle can involve more assertion and better road observation – just generally better respect and road politics – than most drivers employ in their day to day driving, perhaps the same rigorous schemes in place for learning riders should apply to their four-wheel counterparts.
Saunders even suggests that drivers should take the CBT as riders, saying: “There are an increasing number of motorbike riders on the road, after all, and learning to be a good one makes you acutely aware of how you should drive to allow for them.
” Perhaps we would even see some more converts from driving to riding; meaning more riders and more awareness.