Red Devils Superbike team and rider Michel Fabrizio in agreement with their sponsor General Invest will, be carrying a support message for the two Italian marine officers that are facing murder charges in India, on during this weekend’s second Superbike round of the season Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone are being charged with the murder of two fisherman last year when they were part of a military security team protecting a tanker from piracy, which has resulted in an intense, diplomatic and legal row over jurisdiction (Italy’s Foreign Minister resigned over his government’s decision to return the two marines to India).
“Vi aspettiamo a casa” (we are waiting for you at home) will be on the fairings of Fabrizio’s Aprilia and according to the team it’s not a political stand against India (who will be hosting World Superbikes for the first time this year), but a simple message of affection for the two marines and their families, and a way to keep the attention up the media attention on the complex situation.
UPDATE:Following some controversy regarding their decision to race with a support message for the two Italian marines, Red Devils team has been forced to reconsider their initiative, and will be at Aragon with just a white space on the fairings.