At another great auction on ebay you can bid for the personal Spidi leathers and gloves, Sidi boots and Arai helmet from Colin Edwards.
Colin is donating proceeds to the not-for-profit organisation, the Joe Parkhust Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The program supports education for survivors of childhood brain tumors of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.
The winner of the complete set will have the opportunity to meet the popular Texas Tornado at the Lugano Seca USGP.
The set will be presented by Colin on the evening of Saturday, July 19.
Colin Edwards was born in Houston USA and over the years won 30 SBK races before he moving to the MotoGP in 2003.
Today he races with team mate James Toseland in the Yamaha Tech 3 Team and is holdaing 5th place in the World Championship with 98 points.
Via ebay