The World Ducati Week 2012 was like the ultimate celebration for all Ducati owners regardless of the type of bike, age, nationality and so on, but there is one particular family of Ducati models that many enthusiasts of the Italian manufacturer – especially the younger ones – may know just by word-of-mouth, whereas to those aged over 50 or 60 it was a dream of their youth, a bike that fully represented the spirit of Ducati in the 60s and 70s even though its engine had only one cylinder (that could have had a displacement aof 125, 250, 350 or 450 cc).
We are obviously talking about the legendary Scrambler, a model that entered production in 1962 and was initially intended for the U.
market only (where the ‘scrambler‘ genre experienced considerable success in sales in the 50s) and was then introduced in Europe in 1969, gaining significant success on both sides of the Atlantic.
The Scrambler then went out of production in 1976, at the dawn of the epic ‘twin’ era of the Borgo Panigale-based manufacturer, but there still are many Ducati fans around who hold a special place in their hearts for the Scrambler.
The organization of the 2012 WDW was and is obviously aware of this aspect, and so they dedicated a special area of the Misano paddock to owners and enthusiasts of this iconic model, which could therefore benefit from a special treatment at the WDW that its ‘historical’ relevance surely deserves.
View the full WDW 2012 Scramblers photo gallery