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Max Biaggi ponders Melandri and life

After his explanations on Sky Sport 24 and Virigin Radio, Max Biaggi has penned a few personal thoughts on his personal website to his fans, regarding his bitch slapping, super diva meltdown with Marco Melandri at Donington Park.
“After a few days from the English weekend, thinking with calm, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts: Melandri and I are two people with different levels of responsibilities, today racing to me is not just a life risk, but I face these appointments professionally, because I have a greater responsibility, given to me by the presence of my two children.

”“Melandri can still permit himself to take risks with his own life, as teenagers do.
On track, as on road, the irresponsible behaviour of one can be fatal for the other, just like passing on the highway using the emergency lane.

I understand his anxiousness to win, but I don’t believe that their are people prepared to justify such behaviour on track or on the road.
As it sometimes happens when you’re in your car and driving , you get upset for someone elses bad behaviour, that puts you and your family in danger, and at the first service area you want to stop and have a word with him … and that’s what happened to me.

”Maybe Biaggi should really just let it go and get over it, because accusing Melandri of being irresponsible and not caring about his own life is just digging himself into a deeper hole with fans.

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