Italy’s AsiMotoShow for vintage bikes in Varano on May 16 and 17 is sold out at only the 8th edition for this event which has become successful in Europe for fans of old bikes.
With the appearance of former famous champions and bikes, the two days will include technical and track events with parades, trial runs around the track, and a gala dinner.
The event is organised by the Automotoclub Storico Italiano, with registration fees for participants but free entry for the public.
Full details of the ASI vintage motorcycle event in Varano appears after the jump, with the press release from the event, listing the various champions who will be present and other details including registration and the gala dinner.
For the eighth time, the motorcycle old timers from all over Europe will gather in Varano, for the yearly rendezvous of ASIMOTOSHOW, that, considering the motorbikes and the champions taking part in it, will be rich of technical and spectacular emotions either for the protagonists, riding on the track, either for the public, having free entrance during the three days.
ASIMOTOSHOW is a great show, which has its dynamic expression in the parades, and which has also a static expression in the Paddock, with different exhibitions organized by Clubs, registers and collectors.
This event will celebrate important anniversaries and will introduce several themes, with the aim of celebrating the history of disappeared brands and of those Houses which keep on producing motorbikes.
Among the last participations to the three days in Varano:Salsapariglia Collection – Bagnolo in Piano (RE): it is the wonderful collection of Nello Salsapariglia who, in 40 years, has collected an incredible set of motorcycles, cars, engines and manufactured articles.
Salsapariglia will bring in Varano the mythical Moto Lombardini 350 cc, air cooled, one of the four produced.
This avant-garde motorcycle was produced in the early Seventies by the historic firm in Reggio Emilia, specialized in the productions of engines for agriculture and industry, in order to debut in the racing world.
The project was particularly difficult and imposing so the prototype was driven on the track only in 1978.
Three cylinders, two stroke engine, Delta box chassis in chrome molybdenum, with the possibility of hosting two engines: 350 cc with 76 hp and 500 cc with 97 hp, varying only the cylinder bore.
In 1978 it was ridden by Bursi, Cecotto, Palomo, Prati and Vacondio, but none of them obtained brilliant results.
It was a fast starting motorcycle, first in the four fifths of the race, but with great losses of power in the ending.
During the following year, big investments were done in order to investigate the reasons of those problems but, unfortunately, the project was suspended in 1980, before reaching a solution.
For this motorcycle, only four chassis and three engines were produced.
Team San Luca in Bologna presents a selection of historical vehicles, including two Moto Guzzi 500 Dondolino: one of them, completely restored and certified by ASI, was ridden by the champion Sante Gemiani and the other by the champion Guido Leoni.
Among the other beautiful vehicles you’ll find: DKW 175 ArE compressor 1926, owned by the champion Jader Ruggeri, NSU 250 SPORTMAX competition, owned by Rod Coleman and a GILERA SATURNO 500 1947, driven in many races by the pilot Ruggero Ruggeri.
CMAE, a club of oldtimers in Milan will celebrate the centennial of FUTURISM (1909-2009) bringing on the track four spectacular motorcycles produced between 1914 and 1922: in this way they will represent the motorcycles of the time of the futurist artists, like Marinetti, Boccioni, Balla and many more.
Cars and motorbikes of the beginning of the twentieth century introduced a new vision the world, a world fascinated by velocity and mechanical power.
Until the end of the Eighteenth Century, the parameter for speed was represented by the man riding a horse.
With the twentieth century everything changed, because engines offered to the manhood a new freedom of movement.
This implied a new way of looking at the relationship between man and nature, since technology and speed offered the opportunity of exceeding the limits of the human body.
“We affirm that the world’s magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed.
“A racing car whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath—a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace” Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Manifesto of Futurism.
Who knows what he would have written if he could have seen Valentino Rossi riding!The number of personalities and drivers keeps on growing.
Guillermo Carter, Chilean, born May 31st 1944.
Ten times Chilean speed champion in the categories 50 cc, 100 cc, 125 cc and 175 cc in the Sixties.
He competed with great European and Italian champions like Umberto Masetti and Angel Nieto when they raced in Chile.
Bruno Tascheri: born in Queens, New York, February 1963.
He moved in Chile during the Seventies and, at the beginning of the Eighties, he started racing for Motoclub Valparaiso with Ducati 175 of his father.
When he came back to the United States, he raced in the West Coast in 125 with Honda RS, in Bott category with a Pantah 600 and in Superbike with Honda VF 750.
This year he raced again in Chile for motoclub Valparaiso.
Bryan Reynolds Rudge Enthusiasts Club Vice President In 1954 he created the Vintage Rudge Register to keep in contact with other Rudge enthusiasts.
Lately this club became part of new Rudge Enthusiasts Club.
After collecting a huge amount of original documents, he wrote the book “Don’t trudge it, Rudge it” and actually he writes on motorcycles reviews.
He is a milestone for those who want to approach to the Motorcycle History.
Gianfranco Bonera born April, 4, 1954.
Riding the mythical MV Agusta, Gianfranco Bonera came up beside the English Champion Phil Read.
In 1973 he made his first appearance in the Yugoslavian Grand Prix on a Titan and after that, with MV Agusta 500 he won in Nations’ Grand Prix in Imola and the year after in Grand Prix of Spain with the same motorcycle.
He took part in 38 races of World Championship.
Paolo Campanelli born in 1931.
He started in 1946 on a Ducati Cucciolo 48 and, until 1978, he used several motorcycles like Gilera, MotoBi, Benelli, Guzzi, Seeley, MV Augusta, Mondial, Norton, Kawasaki in all the stroke capacities from 50cc to 500cc.
He took part in 7 Grand Prix.
His generous disposition and his fighting spirit, together with his passion and his mechanical knowledge make of him one of the best Italian drivers.
Gianni Perrone Born in Rome in 1939, he started his career on a Rumi in 1956.
He took part in some international races in 1963 with Norton Manx.
He won 3 slope championships, with 10 victories in different classes.
He won twice the Greek GP and his best international result was a seventh place in a Grand Prix of Nations in Monza.
His last victory was in Pergusa in 1988, in an international contest for historical motorbikes, with MV 4 cylinders.
He is considered as one of the most important experts of historical motorcycles.
Giampiero Gatti, from Milan, was born in 1937 and was one of the best Italian juniores drivers in the Seventies.
He was the standard bearer of Moto Morini and he won a lot of junior races with this car.
He lately interrupted his bright career to dedicate himself to entrepreneurial activities.
He will be in Varano with his Moto Morini 175.
Francesco Guglielminetti from Asti, born in 1930, was one of the best Piedmontese drivers during the after war.
He started riding on a MV 125.
Afterwards he always used Gilera.
He was Italian champion of the “Half liter competition” in the years 1955, 1959 and 1960 and in the same year he retired.
Hubert Rigal, French, started to compete in 1970 in slope races with Norton, then he used Kawasaki, obtaining brilliant results in several races.
In 1973 he became a professional driver, riding on a BMW and he reached a 2nd place in Tour de France, that he won the year after.
In 1976 he won again on a Honda.
In ’77 he rode on a Yamaha and he took part in the World Competition 750, being 6th in the final results.
Other famous personalities will be present, like Emanuele Balestrazzi, Guido Guarnieri, Jean Charles Battesti and many more.
ARTISTIC AND GASTRONOMICAL TOUR ON SATURDAY 16TH MAY, organized for the escort of the ASIMOTOSHOW participants.
The leaving will be at 9.
30 from the Motor Racing Track and the participants will have the chance of visiting the Sanctuary in Careno (Pellegrino Parmense) and will visit several food industries in the place.
After lunch, a visit to a famous bakery and return to the motor racing track.
The visit is free and it has been organized thanks to Provincia di Parma.
Public will be admitted (FREE ENTRANCE) during the 3 days from 9.
30 until 19.
EVENT PROGRAMFriday May 158.
00 am – 6.
00 pmTechnical inspections and registration of participants in the paddock2.
00 pm event opening2.
15 pm – 5.
30 pm Motoshow on the track with a trial run for each preliminary heat8.
30 pm ASI Motoshow 2009: Welcome to the participants at Castello Pallavicini of Varano de’ MelegariSaturday May 168.
00 am – 12.
00 pm Technical inspections and registration of participants in the paddock9.
00 am – 12.
15 pm Motoshow on the track with a trial run for each preliminary heat12.
30 pm show on the track of laverda team2.
15 pm – 5.
30 pm Motoshow on the track with a trial run for each preliminary heat9.
30 am – 4.
00 pm ARTISTIC AND GASTRONOMICAL TOUR (just for companions)8.
30 pm gala dinner for participants and crew at Area Feste Parco ‘Dino Cordani’ of Varano de’ MelegariSunday May 179.
00 am – 12.
15 pm Motoshow on the track with a trial run for each preliminary heat12.
30 pm gilera12.
45 pm From the 200 Miles of Imola to the Superbike13.
00 Grand Parade of Champions14.
30 pm Event End