There are a few things that you can take for granted when it comes to the Dutch GP, and unfortunately the weather is not one of them.
However, if you are looking for breathtaking endings, the Assen track is definitely the place: out of the four big races that took place there last weekend (STK 1000, WSS and the two Superbike races), all them finished with a gap between winner and runner-up in the 0.
0s, and that says a lot about the kind of excitement you can get there.
Another distinctive feature of the Assen track is the presence of an awful lot of fashinating and blonder than blond paddock girls, and as usual we would like to pay tribute presenting you with a massive photo gallery featuring some of the most charming Dutch ladies spotted on and off the track.
Next up is the MotoGP round in Jerez De La Frontera, Spain – and we are utterly confident the lovely Spanish brunettes won’t let us down – but if you are more into the blond type and wondering when it will be MotoGP’s turn to get to Assen, that’s actually not too far in time: June 29th.
So you better stay tuned for more of the same.