Stuart Easton took his third consective win at Macau GP today.
The Scottish rider riding for Paul Bird Motorsport team won the gruelling road race, despite Michael Rutter on board the Team of Paris AXA Ducati, being tipped for the win after taking the pole position and desperately wanting to regain his Macau crown.
The race was red flagged after 6 laps following a crash by Chris Peris, who suffered a mild right lung contusion and concussion and was carted off to the hospital.
In the restart, Easton grabbed the lead again, but was reeled in by Rutter, but the Kawasaki rider set a new lap record on lap 7 with a magnificent 2:23.
616, to which Rutter couldn’t respond to and had to settle for a distant second.
Jeremy Toye on the Lee’s Cycles Racing BMW took third place after Simon Andrews was hit by a mechanical problem on the final lap.
“When I saw that Rutter had caught me, I was devastated after trying so hard to break free.
I thought if he could catch me after all that, there was no way I could beat him.
But I tried again and managed to open a gap once more,” said Easton.
“I tried to catch Stuart mid-way through the race but then I hit the trackside Armco and said to myself, once is enough.
I’m not doing that any more,” said Rutter.
2010 Macau Grand Prix Race Results:1 1 Stuart EASTON GBR Kawasaki Racing Team 21:43.
951 9 152.
06 2:23.
6162 6 Michael RUTTER GBR Team of Paris – AXA 21:54.
847 9 10.
896 150.
80 2:24.
0703 57 Jeremy TOYE USA Lee’s Cycles Racing 22:07.
962 9 24.
011 149.
31 2:25.
1124 17 Simon ANDREWS GBR MSS Colchester Kawasaki 22:08.
660 9 24.
709 149.
23 2:26.
Suzuki 22:16.
619 9 32.
668 148.
35 2:25.
8036 4 John McGUINNESS GBR IGT/sorrymate.
com 22:24.
145 9 40.
194 147.
52 2:26.
9277 15 James STORRAR GBR DMR Racing 22:27.
718 9 43.
767 147.
12 2:28.
0648 5 Cameron DONALD AUS Relentless Suzuki by TAS 22:36.
812 9 52.
861 146.
14 2:28.
8869 9 James McBRIDE GBR Pazzo Racing Yamaha 22:39.
665 9 55.
714 145.
83 2:29.
37110 2 Keith AMOR GBR Kawasaki Racing Team 22:42.
715 9 58.
764 145.
51 2:28.
78111 13 Rico PENZKOFER GER Mocha BMW 22:46.
388 9 1:02.
437 145.
11 2:30.
20412 31 Mark MILLER USA Mocha BMW 22:50.
377 9 1:06.
426 144.
69 2:30.
37813 23 Michal DOKOUPIL CZE East Coast Racing 22:53.
485 9 1:09.
534 144.
36 2:30.
49214 50 Dan KNEEN IOM DMR Racing 22:53.
911 9 1:09.
960 144.
32 2:30.
41915 68 David JOHNSON AUS East Coast Racing 22:54.
143 9 1:10.
192 144.
29 2:30.
63816 12 Horst SAIGER AUT MV Agusta Grisoni 23:02.
124 9 1:18.
173 143.
46 2:31.
23217 8 Mark BUCKLEY GBR Luminox BMW 23:03.
278 9 1:19.
327 143.
34 2:31.
72718 26 Didier GRAMS GER Team Heidger-Motorsport.
de 23:14.
451 9 1:30.
500 142.
19 2:32.
66719 22 Sean DWYER USA Vicious Cycle Racing 23:24.
267 9 1:40.
316 141.
20 2:34.
05520 7 Anthony Dos SANTOS FRA Team of Paris – AXA 23:24.
852 9 1:40.
901 141.
14 2:34.
06321 32 Joao FERNANDES MAC Team of Paris – AXA 22:06.
648 8 1 LAP 132.
85 2:43.
Suzuki 18:06.
952 7 2 LAPS 141.
88 2:28.
447NOT CLASSIFIED40 Martin JESSOPP GBR Team of Paris – AXA 8:41.
413 3 D.
76 2:30.