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Sexy bikers

MotoGP, Silverstone: here are the paddock girls

25 April, 2020
As usual, we close the chapter of the British GP weekend with a nice collection of pictures starring some of the hottest ladies who attended the event. The show on the track did not let down the fans who went…

WSBK Brno grid girls

25 April, 2020
Track temperatures during the World Superbike round at Brno were sizzling (44° to 54°C ) and the hot Czech grid and paddock girls didn’t exactly cool it down, despite carrying their big and colorful umbrellas.Enjoy our last gallery of the…

2011 EICMA Girls photo gallery: Part II

25 April, 2020
We have been talking a lot about bikes, mopeds and so on from the 2011 EICMA, but our very firts post from the Milan event was called “2011 EICMA Girls photo gallery: Part I“, which implied that a Part II…

A day in the life of a brolly girl: Zoe and Alexandra

25 April, 2020
If you thought being an umbrella girl was a glam job, you can think again. How does a 5am start sound? And heels that don’t fit properly? We spoke to Zoe and Alexandra, the Yamaha umbrella girls at the MotoGP…

Belgian model with Ducati

25 April, 2020
Jullie likes modelling with Ducati motorbikes. This 22 year-old beauty has also stood several times on the podium in Belgium. Being second in the Miss Belgian Beauty contest and first during the Miss Formula Una contest. Beside this work you…

Barracuda's new 2014 calendar

25 April, 2020
With just a few hours left in 2013 we've decided to show you just some of the pics that Barracuda has in store for their clients with their new 2014 calendar, that we can safely claim is their hottest calendar…

Yamaha R1 drifting in Willow Springs: amazing video

25 April, 2020
American company Graves Motorsports - which produces special parts and has an important history in racing - has created a special version of the Yamaha R1 designed for drifting and dubbed Graves Drift R1, and to show what their new…

SBK Nurburgring: here come the paddock girls!

25 April, 2020
In the aftermath of every major race, we present you with a special photo gallery dedicated to the most cheerful paddock girls spotted at the venue, but last weekend we had two major events to look after: the MotoGP race…

MotoGP Laguna Seca Grid Girls

24 April, 2020
Check out our last gallery of images from the Laguna Seca MotoGP weekend. The teams went all out, picking out some of the finest ‘California Gurls’ to represent the USGP as paddock and grid girls and hold up those very…

MotoGP, Phillip Island: the paddock girls

24 April, 2020
As usual, we close the chapter dedicated to the latest MotoGP round with a collection of images dedicated to the gorgeous Australian ladies that graced grid and paddock of the Phillip Island ractrack. This is the second to last photo…

Mid-week sexy bikers: Francesca and the BMW S1000RR

24 April, 2020
Is it only Wednesday? Ah well, to help us down the home straight to the weekend, take a look at Franchesca and the BMW S1000RR together in this photo shoot from Motorcycle USA. It’s all in the name of making…

MotoGP 2013 Motegi paddock babes

24 April, 2020
After his stunning victory at Motegi, Jorge Lorenzo now sits just 13 points behind Marc Marquez with just one race remaining in the 2013 MotoGP championship.For the second time the Ricardo Tormo race circuit in Valencia will be the venue…

Sexy Bikers: the seDUCATIve 1199 Panigale

24 April, 2020
Since it first appeared at the end of 2011, we all got mesmerized by the jaw-dropping beauty of the new Ducati 1199 Panigale, the new flagship model from the legendary Italian manufacturer. In order to emphasize its fascinating lines, USA’s…

Marisa Miller Harley Davidson video

23 April, 2020
Here’s a video of Marisa Miller for Harley-Davidson where the Victoria’s Secret pin-up explains the “Military Appreciation Month” campaign and her involvement in being a Harley-Davidson calendar girl. It’s a very American display of patriotism with an “all American” brand…

MotoGP, Assen: the paddock girls

23 April, 2020
Well, we promised, didnt’we? so here is the photo gallery picturing some of the hottest hostesses who attended the last MotoGP round in Assen, the Netherlands. These nice girls surely cheered up the crowd og the Dutch GP, but somehow…

MotoGP, Le Mans: the paddock girls (photo gallery)

22 April, 2020
We close the 2012 French GP chapter with the usual photo gallery starring the hottest ‘paddock girls’ seen hanging around in Le Mans. This time around we got a 91-pic strong gallery that shouldn’t let anybody down, with the lovely…

Indianapolis MotoGP Paddock and Grid Girls gallery

22 April, 2020
We thought it would be nice to end the workday with 44 pics of these great looking paddock and grid girls from weekend’s Indianpolis GP.Check out our other two galleries from Indianapolis, here and here.

WSBK, Brno: the paddock girls

22 April, 2020
No, we did not forget about it, it’s just that we have been a little busy. Here are some pics picturing some of the nice ladies who attended the latest World Superbike round in Brno, Czech Republic. We all saw…

SBK, Assen 2013: our paddock girls photo gallery

22 April, 2020
There are a few things that you can take for granted when it comes to the Dutch GP, and unfortunately the weather is not one of them. However, if you are looking for breathtaking endings, the Assen track is definitely…

WSBK, Silverstone: the paddock girls

21 April, 2020
As always, we close the chapter dedicated to the British GP of the 2012 World Superbike Championship with a parade of the nice hostesses who attended the race, and this time around we have a lovely bunch of English Roses…

Video: the Ducati Desmosedici RR

21 April, 2020
Our reader Cheyenne indicated this video to us, dedicated to the the Ducati Desmosedici RR, the incredible road version of the company’s MotoGP. The video is a declaration of love for the Ducati, and refers to the arrival of the…