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Primark to reopen for 24 hours a day

Primark CEO said that when non-essential shops will be allowed to reopen, Primark will operate 24 hours a day.

to reopen

The English fashion retailer chain Primark will be operating 24 hours a day when non-essential shops will be allowed to reopen, on December 2.

Primark to reopen on a 24/7 basis

Hopefully starting from December 2, Primark will open 24 hours a day.

In this way, the Associated British Foods Plc said, customers will easily distance themselves from one another. There won’t neither panic buyers nor gatherings of last-minute purchasers.

This rumors has been confirmed by CEO George Weston. “If we are able to trade in some stores up 24 hours a day, then we can keep people more separate from each other more easily”.

The reasoning behind this decision is simple, Weston explained. “We can keep the stores safer if everyone knows there are plenty of hours and they do not have to rush on a Sunday into a six-hour period“.

Christmastime is a period of hard-shopping in England and people are looking foward to enter it, despite the national lockdown. The company’s main concern is to keep everyone safer while shopping.

This 24/7 reopening “will give consumers the confidence that there will be time for them to do their Christmas shopping”. While on a financial side it “will allow my business to sell a lot of Christmas stock“.


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