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Covid: how to make a hand sanitizer at home

The Covid-19 pandemic is reaching our boards. Precautions are running out, but it is possible to make your own hand sanitizer at home: follow the steps.

how to make hand sanitizer home coronavirus
how to make hand sanitizer home coronavirus

Covid has spread almost all over the world. People become panic and turn into panic-buying after the government doing lockdown in their cities or country. Lockdown is needed to delay Covid infected more people. The government must be known for sure the pros and cons do that.

Now the problem after lockdown announced is panic buying to stock some supplies at home.

You may know one of these items became rare: hand sanitizer. If you can’t find a hand sanitizer in any store, you can make it at home.

But you need to realize that sanitizer can’t substitute hand washing. You can make germs including Covid off your hands by washing for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Let’s see how.

Covid: how to make hand sanitizer at home

World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a recipe for making hand sanitizer. It contains nine parts 99 percent isopropyl alcohol (also known as rubbing alcohol), a bit of hydrogen peroxide and a moisturizing agent, such as glycerol or aloe vera gel, though it appears to be written for Nobel laureates rather than mortals.

If you want to make your own mask at home let’s proceed together, it is very easy:

  1. What you need: aloe vera, 99% rubbing alcohol
  2. Quantity: the ratio of rubbing alcohol to aloe vera as 2/3 cup to 1/3 cup, which could work out to about 62 percent alcohol, just above CDC guidelines.
  3. Stir the ingredients to combine them, then pour the mixture into a clean plastic bottle or soap dispenser. When using the mixture, rub it on the surfaces of both hands until your hands are dry.

Covid: additional guidance to prevent the spread of the disease

Besides that, you should know additional guidance on how to prevent the spread of disease:

  1. Wash your hands often, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, or engaging in other activities that may dirty your hands. Use soap and water and scrub for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Use a surgical mask: you can also make it at home.
  3. Please, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  4. Avoid coming into contact with others who are sick. But if you are sick, stay home and avoid contact with others.


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