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Coronavirus: Governament indicates the subjects at higher risk

Coronavirus, the Government only cares that those who were older, vulnerable and at risk: now they extend the list of subjects most at risk.

coronavirus subjects higher risk
coronavirus subjects higher risk

Government has released a full list about the most at risk from catching and suffering complications with Coronavirus from the experts.

Coronavirus: the subjects at higher risk

Previously, Government only concern that who were older, vulnerable and had underlying health conditions were most at risk. Now, they extend the list for the first time. Here they are.

  • aged 70 or older (regardless of medical conditions)
  • under 70 with an underlying health condition listed below (ie anyone instructed to get a flu jab as an adult each year on medical grounds):
  • chronic (long-term) respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
  • chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
  • chronic kidney disease
  • chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
  • chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease,motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, a learning disability or cerebral palsy
  • diabetes
  • problems with your spleen – for example, sickle cell disease or if you have had your spleen removed
  • a weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS or medicines such as steroid tablets or chemotherapy
  • being seriously overweight (a BMI of 40 or above)
  • those who are pregnant

The next advice is there were some people who were at an even greater risk of “severe illness” from COVID-19.

It includes:

  • People who have received an organ transplant and remain on ongoing immunosuppression medication
  • People with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • People with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia who are at any stage of treatment
  • People with severe chest conditions such as cystic fibrosis or severe asthma (requiring hospital admissions or courses of steroid tablets)
  • People with severe diseases of body systems, such as severe kidney disease (dialysis)

If you are one of them, Government told to should socially distance themselves – and how they can manage while in isolation. It could mean avoiding social contact for 12 weeks. Not only that, if there is a member has symptoms, the entire household should self-isolate for 14-days. Public Health England chief medical officer Chris Whitty described the new guidance for those more at risk as “absolutely critical”.

Prof Whitty said: “The group of people who we would want to take this advice particularly seriously are older people above 70, people who in adult life would normally be advised to have the flu vaccination. “So these are people with chronic diseases such as chronic heart disease or chronic kidney disease, and also – as a precautionary measure because we are early in our understanding and we want to be sure – women who are pregnant.


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