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San Mauro di Romagna hosts exhibition dedicated to the Pascoli surname

Giovanni Pascoli (1855-1912) is one of the greatest Italian poets.
Italian children know his most famous poems by heart and adults, though ages have passed since their school days, still remember a few lines of his best poems, but today we are not here to talk about poetry but the Pascoli surname which originated in Sant’Alberto di Romagna.

Every year the poet’s 40 descendent, no matter where they now live, gather together and spend the whole day talking with pride about their ancestor.
This year they will all meet at the Museo casa Pascoli which hosts a new exhibition called Pascoli, un cognome attraverso i secoli or Pascoli, a surname through the centuries and which is dedicated to the vast Pascoli family; a family that includes writers, top doctors and managers.

So I f you are in Italy during the cold winter months it could be interesting for you to visit the home of the poet in San Mauro di Romagna and.
mix with his family!

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