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Brisighella: tastes and traditions of Emilia Romagna with salami and lambrusco

Brisighella is a magic town in Italy, in the Ravenna province of Emilia Romagna.
Situated not far from Italy’s famous wine growing district of Lambrusco, and close to Tuscany.
The town’s origins date back to 1200, and it is now considered one of Italy’s most beautiful towns.

The town is characterised by its rocky outcrops with the Monticino sanctuary and Orologio tower.

On April 5, Brisighella will host the “Trofeo del Buon Salame” or salami trophy and the artichoke festival on April 26.
Emilia Romagna is a traditional salami producing region and artichoke festival will provide opportunities to see different artichoke recipes and preparation techniques.

For more information on the town, go to Brisighello.
Also, click here for the artichoke festival and here for salami.
To purchase Lambrusco wine, this online Italian wine shop has many options.

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