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Milan: music in the suburbs

This is a very interesting song and clip from Italy and I can’t recall ever seeing such melancholy from what is usually a sunny country.
The clip is of “Moriamo quotidianamente” (We die daily) from the Milan group “NonMiPiaceIlCirco!” (I don’t like the circus).

This young group in 2008 has produced their third album called “Scimmie arrabbiate e stupidi compromessi” (Angry monkeys and stupid compromises).

The video has been chosen by NME as the most interesting on YouTube, while the album is occupying 46th place on the Japanese charts of most downloads.

In the video you can see the suburbs of Milan passing by, a very different view of the city from the elegance and glamour normally portrayed.
Italians sometimes have a fairly diffident view of their suburban areas, but here we see a different side of Milanese life.

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