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Coming soon: Sea Games 2008

While Italy is not necessarily internationally recognised for its beach culture, it’s through Apcom that we’ve discovered it will be hosting the 2008Sea Games”, with the second edition taking place in Lazio in summer.
The games from June 21 to 29, will be on the Lazio coast of Formia, Gaeta and Ventotene and more than 400 athletes from 21 countries will take part in the maritime disciplines.

Standing out in the program are two world cups (Safari Photo Sub and Video Sub), an attempt at a world record in apnea by the Italian Simone Arrigoni.
There will also be a Mediterranean Cup and the national student finals of badminton.

There is room for more classic beach sports such as beach volley ball, swimming and windsurf.
New activities include weights and free throwing, both organised at Gaeta.
We’ll keep you up to date.

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