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Malaguti bankrupt Italian motorcycle manufacturer

Italy’s metalworkers union had announced at the beginning of the year that if Malaguti didn’t find a buyer, it was likely the Italian motorcycle manufacturer would have to close.
The factory facilities based near Bologna, in Italy, will be laying off 180 workers and closing production lines, unless a last minute purchase bid is made.

At this stage, it looks like Malaguti will go the same way as Moto Morini as another historic Italian motorcycle brand is shut down for lack of funds.
The Malaguti family have apparently been looking for buyers, but with none found, the company will likely close its doors.

Production and work hasn’t been carried out since April, and production lines and parts are currently being sold off.
Bologna union head Giuliana Righi says: “There have been three possible offers for the purchase of the company, which didn’t come about.
This is a historic company but one which has experienced a significant drop in earnings in recent years, and which is no longer competitive.
In these kinds of situations it’s difficult to understand why purchase offers don’t materialise – it’s hard to know whether offers were made and were judged insufficient by the Malaguti family.

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