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What to see in Rome: San Pietro in Vincoli

The first time I was in Rome I felt absolutely disoriented.
I wanted to see everything, but I did not what to do or where to go so I stopped a passer-by and asked him for the nearest subway station .

I then started walking down the indicated street when suddenly I came across this beautiful, mysterious church called San Pietro in Vincoli.

I decided to go in and suddenly I found myself face to face with Michelangelo’s Moses.
Totally unprepared, I stumbled making heads turn and stare at me.

I blushed like a child, but I couldn’t break away from that masterpiece.
It was almost like a mystical experience.
I had read about Michelangelo in my school books of course but this.
this was absolutely different.
Something that melted my heart and made my blood run faster.
Even today looking at the picture by Gizax you see above I feel the same old emotion .
The same strange excitement.

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