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Can motorcycle riding save you from osteoporosis?

Female riders heads up, because riding your motorcycle could save you from bone density problems when you hit the mid fifties and menopause with it’s relative osteoporosis could change your life style.
Even if motorcycle riding isn’t specifically mentioned, a Medical College of Georgia researchers report states that “a daily dose of whole body vibration may help reduce the usual bone density loss that occurs with age.

” Researchers found vibration improved density around the hip joint with a shift toward higher density in the femur, the long bone of the leg, as well.
Hip fractures are a major cause of disability and death among the elderly.
They also found a reduction in a biomarker that indicates bone breakdown and an increase in the surface area involved in bone formation in the vibrating group.

Even if a good diet, exercising and getting some good old vitamin D from the sun rays will help ward off the bane of fragility fractures, riding bikes could help you stay healthier and this coupled with that other study that says that riding keeps your brain young is another reason to add to your list of why you love to ride, so get out there and get those good vibes.

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