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Giovanna Mezzogiorno best actress for National Society of Film Critics

Giovanna Mezzogiorno is an Italian actress whose impressive performance in the film Vincere has earned her the prize of best actress according to America’s National Society of Film Critics.
The film, directed by Marco Bellocchio, is about the woman who is presumed to be Benito Mussolini’s first wife, Ida Dalser.

No records of Mussolini’s first marriage exist, but Dalser is believed to have given him the money to establish his propaganda newspaper, which was the start of his political career, and to have even borne a son.
The film traces these events and the eventual seclusion of Dalser in a mental hospital.

Giovanna Mezzogiorno managed an intense performance in the film, successfully depicting the blinding passion for the man who ultimately destroys her, and the best actress prize could herald an ultimate Oscar nomination for the actress.
Mezzogiorno is considered one of Italy’s more mature and better actresses, and you may have seen her in films such as “La finestra di fronte” or “Facing Window”.
If Mezzogiorno were to gain an Oscar nomination, it would be a much needed recognition of Italian cinema.

If you haven’t seen Vincere and want to get utterly involved in a bold film, we recommend seeing it as one of the more interesting examples of Italian films made recently.

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