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Holidays in Tuscany: Facebook and new Tuscan tourism site

In what will become a 17 million-euro project, the Tuscan regional government has launched Turismo.
it, a new tourism site for Tuscany that forms an essential part of a new publicity campaign.
The costly and ambitious project has seen 15 million euros spent already this year, in an attempt to revolutionise the tourism image of one of Italy’s most beautiful regions, in more than just a couple of Tuscan TV commercials.

Tuscany has always been a step ahead, and here it has decided to invest in a brand and a wide tourist system of quality, with concrete initiatives such as the new site and a social network project.
In fact, on the new site, you will find portals to Tuscany on FaceBook, MySpace, YouTube, LinkedIn etc.

The new Tuscan tourism site is well set out, with elegant graphics, clear information and rich content.
You can find everything on where to stay in Tuscany, where to eat, to information on the various destinations, including city, country and coast that make up Tuscany.
With even an online made in Tuscany shopping portal, it will be interesting to see the fruits of this new project.

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