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Mortandela, the cured sausage from Val di Non,Trentino

Mortandela is a pork meat sausage produced in Valle di Non in the north of Italy, but its name (for a change!) didn’t ring a bell with me, so I looked it up in old book about Italian food and found out some really interesting things .

Mortandela, which attained Slow Food certification, can be eaten raw or cooked and be served with polenta, potatoes or vegetables.

The preparation process is quite simple.
The twice-minced pork meat once rolled is placed in a large wooden platter (previously sprinkled with a bit of wheat or corn flour) and then smoked over juniper wood.

Well, it goes without saying that Mortandela can’t be found at your local grocery store, so if you want to taste this Italian delicacy, you must get into your car and drive up North to Trentino!

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