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Thief steals 600 euros in coins from Trevi Fountain

I would never have had said that stealing coins from the Trevi Fountain could be as lucrative as this, but Roberto Cercelletta, our crime in Italy profile for this week, managed a full 600 euros before he was arrested.
Cercelletta had gone to the Trevi Fountain at dawn to steal money, knowing it was a time when both tourists and police on the beat were unlikely to be around.

Cercelletta managed to collect what many Italians doing part time work can only dream of earning – working in Italy is difficult and unfortunately more so than indulging in Italian crime.
Unfortunately, the money was actually destined for Caritas and its charitable works in Rome, including family housing projects, a hostel and a market stall for retirees.

Here’s hoping Cercelletta pays it all back, with interest.

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