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American football in Italy: coaching for pizza

While you may not believe this in a land of hard core soccer fanatics, but Italy has its niche following of American football teams and associations.
While I suspect this is a good excuse for Americans and Italo-Americans to come and coach a team while holidaying in Italy, if you want to read about some of their experiences, the Coaching for Pizza blog is a good stop.

The blog follows the experiences of George Contreras, an American who is currently the head coach of the Catania Elephants in Sicily.
The 2009 season has just kicked off, with a 14-12 loss to Ancona, but a trip to Umbria, Assisi and Perugia, to make up for it.

So far, my favourite episode is their stop-off at an Autogrill (absolutely compulsory when travelling in Italy) where they left someone behind and had to go back and get him.
You might also like to check out the bargain shopping in Italy of bovine brains.

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