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Italian pasta recipes from Sicily: "pasta alla norma"

This pasta dish from Sicily has its origins in Catania and is called “pasta alla norma”.
There are various theories as to its name, one of which says that Vicenzo Bellini’s heroine was called Norma, and she was from Catania.

Ingredients are: 300 grams of pasta, an irregular cut if you like short pasta, otherwise thick spaghetti.

Three aubergines, tomato sauce, basil, salty grated ricotta.
Put the pasta to boil, and then chop the aubergine and fry in plenty of oil.

Drain, salt and leave to dry on paper towel to eliminate excess oil.
Drain the al dente pasta, heat the tomato sauce and mix the pasta through.
Add the aubergine, and dress the dish with a basil leaf and the grated ricotta.
Other versions include adding some fried zucchini as well.

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