In order to find out what happened to Leonardo‘s Battle of Anghiari, the city of Florence has stricken a deal with the National Geographic Society for 250,000 euros.
The world’s most important Geographic society will now try to unearth a few truths about Leonardo‘s lost masterpiece.
The story goes that Michelangelo and Leonardo started to decorate the famous Palazzo Vecchio in Florence together, but apparently things did not work out as planned and Michelangelo left in a huff.
Left alone, Leonardo completed his fresco (i.
the Battle of Anghiari) but for some mysterious reason the fresco was removed and now, sadly enough, we have only copies of it (the most beautiful by Rubens).
According to art experts, it was Giorgio Vasari who, commissioned to renovate the salons at Palazzo Vecchio, removed Leonardo’s work from the wall and, with the intent to preserve it for posterity, hid it somewhere.
So if you love unsolved mysteries, stay tuned; more updates about Loenardo‘s lost masterpiece are on the way!