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Florence Art Exhibitions: Giotto meets Giovanni da Milano

On the occasion of “Un anno ad arte” , A year in Art, Florence will host two very interesting art exhibitions; the first dedicated to Giotto, the second one to Giovanni da Milano.
L’eredità di Giotto.
Arte a Firenze 1340-1375 (Giotto’s Heredity.

Art in Florence)will be on display at the Uffizi.

It tells rather a fascinating story.
Through Giotto’s works we come to see the drama the city was then living; the economical crisis, the Black Death which was wiping out the population and the intestine wars between Guelphs and Ghibellines which were literally pulling Florence apart.

Cristina Acidini, Superintendent of Antiquities, reminds us that those were very hard times indeed.
Thousands of people had died, dread and horror were hovering over the city like an immense black wing, but this, strangely enough, brought about a change, paving the way to Renaissance and the rebirth of a whole continent .

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