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Italian people: underdogs and investing in Italian football

As we head into some tense moments in the Italian championship Serie A, we share the story of one team from Altamura in the Bari province, who was famous last season for being the worst team in the competition.
The figure of the underdog in sport is a rare one in Italy, and this was one team who, for passion, tradition and probably some fun, took a battering throughout the season with only five goals scored, and 250 goals scored against them.

A record in Italian football.
It’s a story of “menefreghismo” in Italy – that is of disregard.
When the chips are down, make your escape.
Club management abandoned the Leonessa Altamura team when it was relegated from Serie D, leaving Michele Maggi and Massimiliano Martelli to pick up the pieces.

The team functions with their goodwill and hard work, and the dedication of a few players who don’t always make up 11.
I love this story because of what Italy is when you can extricate yourself from all the money and big business interests of Italian football.
It’s about community, having a laugh and keeping up a tradition while having the appearance of not caring too much.

The fortunes of the Leonessa Altamura team are unknown to me this season, but if any news pops up, we’ll let you know.
Check out Youtube for the scenes of some of their matches and a bunch of guys who held their heads up and played for the sake of wearing their football boots.

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