According to the Italian financial newspaper Il sole 24 ore ‘s survey of Italian locations with the best quality of life, the city of Bologna ranks second; the survey has been modelled on the Stiglitz report which was the brainchild of French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
The survey, realised with the collaboration of the Mestre study centre, was not based on GDP growth but on other factors such as good education, health, security, cultural opportunities, local good administration etc etc.
The fact that city of Bologna in the Emilia Romagna region got second place came as an utter surprise, so if you wish to go there and see for yourself, (the place is well worth visiting), you can book into one of those lovely Bed and Breakfasts the city is famous for.
I recommend you the old Prendiparte tower which, with its twelve floors, retains a charm that is hard to resist!