Today we have a recipe from Naples and I’m sure you will love it; it’s a very tasty dish which is more or less like an involtino made of pork meat.
This recipe serves 8.
ingredients: 8 slices fresh ham, 100g lard, 100g Parma ham; 100 g pecorino cheese, 100 g mix of raisins and pine nuts; 1 clove garlic, parsley, salt and pepper and leftover ragout! Method: chop garlic, parsley and lard and add pinch of salt and pepper.
At this point cut the cheese into thin slices and place it on the pock meat along with the Parma ham.
Next add a sprinkle of raisins and pine nuts, roll each piece tightly and secure with string.
Put the involtini in a pan filled with the leftover ragout and cook for a while.
You can serve them with fried potatoes .