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The best gelato in Rome is at San Crispino

If the queue of Italians and foreigners out the door is anything to go by, Gelato di San Crispino is one of the best gelateria’s in Italy.
But it was recently left off the list of gelato in Rome, from Italy’s culinary magazine Gambero Rosso, in preference to the Gelateria at Settimo Gelo, the Gelateria dei Gracchi (with its sublime pistacchio gelato), and Il Gelato dell’EUR.

And yet, the Gelato di San Crispino has built its fame in international press for the best gelato in Rome, featuring in the New York Times, the Telegraph and the Guardian.
I frankly advise trying them all in an empirical study of the best gelato in Rome, and finding your favourite.

We’ve heard that seasonal gelato flavours are the best, while San Crispino doesn’t use wafer cones because they interfere with the smell and taste of the gelato.
You can also find advice as to the best combination of gelato flavours to avoid mixing armagnac cream with fresh fruit.
Gelato di San Crispino has a number of shops throughout at Rome, at via della Panetteria (Trevi), piazza della Maddalena (Pantheon), via Bevagna (Collina Fleming), via Collatina (Centro Commerciale Roma Est) and Fiumicino airport.

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