Italy’s premier male beauty pageant finished up recently with Gabriele Morra elected as “il piu’ bello d’Italia”, or “Italy’s most beautiful [man]”.
Unlike the Miss Italy contest, this is not actually televised, to the disappointment of many female Italian television viewers, but it certainly says something about gender relations in Italy.
Aside from that, we bring you the photos of Gabriele Morra, and while he’s nice, there are plenty of other nice guys surrounding him (check out the tall guy on the left, for example!).
Ladies, if ever you wanted a parade of Italian men to start your week, it’s all here.
Gabriele Morra is 24-years-old and comes from Naples.
He is studying medicine and despite winning the contest, has every intention of finishing his studies.
After which, he says, he’s going to go to acting school to dedicate himself to the world of cinema.
Have a closer look at this sexy Italian man in the pics.