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Italian festivals: Piedmont celebrates the white truffle festival in Alba

While on the subject of Piedmont, if you’re a food buff and love traditional, fresh produce, Italy has everything you could possibly want.
Italy is a mecca for food lovers, and the Piedmont town of Alba, in the Langhe region, is currently celebrating its famous white truffle festival.

The white truffle is a gourmet treasure in Italy, and it’s quite possibly a good year for truffles.

The grape harvest has suffered a little due to heavy rains early in the season, and so while the 2008 vintage might not be crash hot, it’s definitely a mushroom year.

The Fiera del Tartufo is held every year in Alba and includes a truffle market, competition, photographic exhibition and a truffle auction with proceeds going to charity.
The truffle of the year prize will be awarded on November 15, though the festival itself finishes on November 9.
For more information on the truffle festival, go to the Fiera del Tartufo site (in English).

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