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The Exhibition " Il Bacio" or The kiss to open in Pavia on Valentine's day

If you are in Italy and.
in love, you can’t afford to miss this rather romantic art exhibition called Il Bacio.
Tra Romanticismo e Novecento or The Kiss.
From Romanticism to the 20th century which will open at the beautiful Castello Visconteo in Pavia on Valentine‘s day; more than 60 paintings will be on display and visitors will have the rare opportunity to see the works of such great artists as Havez, Medardo Rosso, De Chirico and Manzù.

The exhibition will explore the symbology behind this rather endearing sign of love and affection.
Il Bacio.
Tra Romanticismo e Novecento – Scuderie del Castello Visconteo – Pavia

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