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Festivals in Italy: Putignano to host gastronomic festival "Rit o' Castidd"

An interesting event called Rit o’Castidd (which in the local vernacular means behind the castle) will soon take place in the small town of Putignano, near Bari.
Located just behind the Church of Saint Peter and the Balì Palace, the castle was built on the highest point in town.

With this important event, the cultural association Trullando hopes to bring new life and interest to this appealing but often forgotten place which sadly today’s generation has tended to neglect in favour of far more fashionable spots.
On 14 March from 18:00 to 24:00 makeshift kitchens will be set up along via Minzele, via Porticella, via Castello, via Palmento and via Ortenzio offering visitors delicious snacks from the traditional Putignano cuisine and superb wine from local winemakers! Artists and skilled artisans will also be there exhibiting their fine creations and products.

In order to create an original atmosphere the organisers will also set up an old brothel (a theatrical one of course).
But the surprises do not end there; at around 3:00 p.
maps will be distributed and those of you with a passion for “ orienteering” will have the opportunity to explore the secret heart of Putignano.

Altogether an exciting time is to be had by all so don’t forget to mark your calendar

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