The first thing to note about Italian cold cut meat products is that there are many many many different products, and their names are very specific.
First of all, what we know as “salami” in English, is actually written “salame”.
It is most usually considered a Milanese tradition, though you will find it everywhere.
The normal, inconspicuous salami is not to be confused with the “salama da sugo”, or gravy salami, which is a different kettle of fish.
It is a traditional pork salami from Ferrara, which is prepared by mincing different parts of the pig, mostly the tongue, liver and neck area.
The pig has been an essential animal throughout Italian history, and nothing is ever wasted.
This mince mix is then enriched with spices, mostly cloves, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt, with a final touch of red wine.
The whole is then packaged using a pork product such as the bladder, stomach lining etc, and then it is left to season and age for a year.