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Italian villages: town stays in the Vallecamonica, Brescia

Thanks to a note from a reader, we’ve discovered a new tourist initiative in Italy in the north east of Lombardy called Vallecamonica Paese Albergo, which uses existing structures and homes as past of a hotel system.
The idea is to provide an authentic environment where a once traditional house can be part of the tourist experience offered.

The initiative is a form of “albergo diffuso” in Italy, whereby hotels are constructed in the original architecture and streetscape of a town or village.
Diffuso means the hotel can be found in more than building.
The Vallecamonica is a valley in the province of Brescia, which provides a timeless and easygoing environment for a holiday.

It currently offers Vezza d’Oglio, Borno and Ossimo superior as accommodation, all checked and described carefully by collaborators in the project.
Various cultural itineraries are on offer, with walking trails, cycling and local festivals and events to discover the area.

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