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Laura Pausini live performance: video and english lyrics

This video shows just how loved Laura Pausini is by the Italian public, even with a kind of playback performance, she still manages to create plenty of emotion.
In the video here, you can see Pausini perform on Italy’s “C’è posta per te” program.

The song is “invece no”, from the album “Primavera in anticipo” (’early spring’), out on November 14.

Below we give you the opening lines to Pausini in English.
Invece no, Laura PausiniForse bastava respirare,solo respirare un po’,fino a riprendersi ogni battitoe non cercare l’attimo per andar via,non andare viaperchè non può essere abitudine dicembre senza teti resta qui,spera l’impossibilePerhaps it was enough to breathe, just to breathe a little,Until each beat came backAnd not looking for the moment to get away, don’t go awayBecause December without you can’t be a habitStay here, hope for the impossible

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