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Extreme sports in the Italian Alps: Ötzi Alpin Marathon in Val Senales and Venosta

The months of March and April in Val Senales will be dedicated to sports and for once we are not talking about skiing at all but about running races.
During the spring devotees of extreme sports descend onto the valley for the Ötzi Alpin Marathon.

In order to reach a glacier at 3000 meters above sea, the competitors must run through bumpy and dangerous terrain for at least 42.

2 km, changing their mode of travel en-route (first on foot, then by bicycle and finally over snow on skis ).

The race which actually is more like a Triathlon event will start at 7:00 am on March 12th ; the first 42 metres on foot, the successive distance of 24 km by bike to Madonna Senales and then back again on foot to Maso Corto.
2 km).
Finally the last leg (which gains 1,200 metres in elevation) to Bergrestaurant Grawand will be on skis.
Gosh! Who will ever have the stamina to win the € 1,500 prize?

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