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Gina Lollobrigida's photos on display in Rome

Along with the Photography festival, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome is hosting an art exhibition dedicated to one of the most famous Italian actresses in the world: Gina Lollobrigida.
However the spotlight, this time, is being cast not on her many movies but upon the photos that Mrs Lollobrigida has over 50 years taken travelling around the world.

As an actress Gina Lollobrigida was photographed by such great artists as Douglas Kirkland and worked with important directors and great actors such as Burt Lancaster, Sean Connery and Tony Curtis.
This time the visitors will have the rare opportunity to enjoy more than 250 photos taken by the actress herself around the world; from New Dehli and its pariahs to Cuba and the Philippines.

The exhibition also includes beautiful portraits of big shots such as Ronald Reagan, Fidel Castro and Indira Ghandi and portraits of famous and glamorous actresses such as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Claudia Cardinale and Liza Minelli.
Anyway the awe-inspiring list boasts other world-known celebs such as Orson Wells, Maria Callas, Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti, Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong.

Although, if I can tell the truth, my favourite photo remains the one depicting a child full of wonder and sweetly smiling over a water lily.
The exhibition will run until 13 September! Don’t miss it!Many photos on display now in Rome are from the book Wonder of Innocence.

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