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Cycling in Milan and Italy's free water fountains

One of the great secrets and travel tips for Italy is the green fountains that can be found around towns and cities that provide free and safe drinking water.
“Green Dragons” in Milan refers to these very water fountains where you can wash your hands after eating, take a drink or refresh yourself every day, all year round.

If you start to pay attention, these drinking fountains pop up everywhere and on more than one occasion, they’ve been helpful during my travels around Italy.
They’re in areas that are frequented by tourists, cyclists and locals, and as long as you don’t do anything outrageously unhygienic, you’re more than welcome to avail yourself of the free water provided.

For those of you who are cycling in Milan, or bike sharing in the city, have a look at the Critical Map site for urban cyclists, which includes a virtual map of these green fountains and information on other services for cyclists in Milan.
Click on the map after the jump to see the service.

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