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Dario Minieri: world poker champion is italian

You can forget briscola or scopa, and other Italian card games, because the international world championship “World Series of Poker” has just been won by an Italian.
For some Poker is a sport, for others a metaphor for life.
23-year-old Dario Minieri has taken the latter view, winning in Las Vegas and taking home a prize of 528,418 American dollars.

A hidden talent, Minieri was at 16-years-old already a card game virtuoso, and his sponsor Pokerstars confirms his ability.
Minieri’s current speciality is the Texas Hold’em, an American variety with two cards per player and five common cards in the mix.

“My mother,” says Minieri, “at the beginning told me to study, to think about exams and finish university.
Then the results came through and she left me free to try this road.
But she still asks me not to completely abandon the books.
” His success can be added to that of Massimiliano Pescatori a few days ago.
Milan-born Pescatori also took out a title making it the first time two Italian champions have won two world titles in the same World Series event.

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