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Italian cinema drama: "Stare fuori" by Fabiomassimo Lozzi

Italian cinema is presenting its offerings for Christmas, and in December on screens in Italy is “Stare Fuori” by Fabiomassimo Lozzi (”Stay Outside”).
Acting in this Italian film is Guia Jelo, Ivo Micioni, Federico Pacifici and Nausica Benedettini.
The film tells the story of the young Giulio who arrives in Rome from Sicily to find his lost love, Aurora.

Officially in Rome to study, Giulio is hosted by a couple, Eugenio e Rosalia, who lost their only son a few years prior.
The presence of Giulio in their household enables them to leave behind some of the pain of their loss, but in the meantime Giulio, who can’t find Aurora, falls into the many temptations of the big city, including alcoholism and drugs.

His adopted mother, Rosalia, sees his behaviour and to prevent another tragic loss in her life, seeks to help him.
After the jump you will find two trailers of this Italian drama, “Stare Fuori”.

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