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Italian cinema: Venice event awards young talents Luca Argentero, Isabella Ragonese, Andrea Miglio Risi and Valentina Lodovini

Extraordinarily there will be four young talents who, on Friday September 5, will receive the Guglielmo Biraghi prize at the 2008 65esima Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia (international cinematographic event in Venice).
Luca Argentero, Isabella Ragonese, Andrea Miglio Risi and Valentina Lodovini will receive awards for recent works from the Sngci, the cinematographic journalists union of Italy.

Luca Argentero was noticed after his role in Saturno contro and Lezioni di cioccolato (Lessons about chocolate); Isabella Ragonese was discovered in Tutta la vita davanti (Whole life ahead); Andrea Miglio Risi appeared in Lezioni di volo (flying lessons), and Grande, grosso e Verdone; and finally Valentina Lodovini has confirmed her talent in La giusta distanza (The right distance), after her role in L’amico di famiglia or “Family Friend”.

The Biraghi prize has a particular value for the press and Venice, as Guglielmo Biraghi was a quality talent scout, well-loved critic and director of the event.
Let’s hope with some of this young talent we see Italian cinema return to its heyday and become as loved by Italians as it is internationally.

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