A couple of weeks ago we had the chance to talk at length about Eros Ramazzotti‘s new single Parla con me which shot up the charts as soon as it was released.
Now we can also take a closer look at the new album Ali e radici (or Wings And Roots) which was released yesterday.
The cover features a photo of Eros by the great photographer Bruce Weber (his are all the pics in the album leaflet) After the jump, the track list and if you want to get a look at Eros Ramazzotti’s renovated website please click here! Eros Ramazzotti “Ali e Radici” track list1.
Appunti e Note2.
Il Cammino3.
Parla con me4.
Affetti Personali6.
Ali e Radici8.
Nessuno Escluso10.
Non Possiamo Chiudere gli Occhi11.
Come Gioielli